Wednesday, 2 February 2011

1st Post !

I feel very indulgent indeed writing my very own blog. In fact, officially this is my second attempt at a blog, after the first one failed miserably. It now lives on the dark & murky pile of 'started with the best intentions of consistent blogging but sadly became neglected.'
So anyway, here is my thrilling second attempt.

I am stood at the door of a long, dark corridor, not quite knowing where I'm heading or even which direction to turn but i plan (yes there is some vague plan afoot) on filling the Internet with yet more arbitrary discombobulated thoughts.

So here's to the beginning of my blog, Lets see how long it survives before my attention strays and its left to lurk on the sidelines of the Internet for the rest of time or until the dinosaurs come back and the T-REX discovers how to function its piano playing hands into keyboard typing hands, its just an evolutionary step away! If a T-REX could use the Internet, what exactly would it search for....?


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